Affordable, Innovative Website Design, Copywriting and Digital Marketing | Clare Vanessa, Freelancer

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Clare Vanessa Freelancer - Get in Touch for your Free Quote

I would love the opportunity to discuss any new website design and development, website redevelopment, website maintenance job or freelancing copywriting and content creation work you need accomplished.

Just use my contact form below and I will reply with a free, no-obligation proposal outlining everything you need to know to make your decision.

Prefer to discuss your needs via phone or Telegram before getting a quote?

Get in touch via my contact form and we can set up a time to chat (you can convert your local time zone to mine using this link – Sydney, Australia Time Zone).

Contact Form


    Please complete your contact details below so I can get in touch with your personalised Proposal/Quotation:

    Your contact name (REQUIRED):

    Your business name (OPTIONAL - if applicable):

    Your email (REQUIRED):

    Your phone (REQUIRED):

    Your existing website URL (OPTIONAL - if already previously registered):

    Your location (REQUIRED - please include country + state/area/region):

    Your profession/business/main service or activity (REQUIRED):


    What type of project do you need this personalised Proposal/Quotation for?

    Please select your project description (REQUIRED - multiple choices are accepted):

    Use the box below to add your existing website platform details or to add any further information to better describe your proposed project:

    Do you have either a definite or desired due date for this project? (OPTIONAL - just leave blank if not applicable):


    If you are requesting a personalised Proposal/Quotation for a new website or website edit/reconstruction, what are your main goals for this website? If your request is for copywriting or editing work, just skip this question by clicking 'Next'.

    What are your top 3 goals for this website build, edit or reconstruction (AT LEAST THE FIRST OPTION IS REQUIRED - the second two goals are optional):

    Please add any additional information about your goals in the box below (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):


    Please let me know a little about your website building or copywriting/editing project:

    Do you have a maximum budget allocated for your project? If you do not have a particular budget in mind, just choose 'No set budget' (REQUIRED):


    Do you know who your 3 main competitors are and do they have websites?

    Even if you don't have direct competitors, it is vitally important to know what other websites in similar industries or categories you are competing against for search engine traffic.

    What are the names of your top 3 competitors? (REQUIRED - if you don't know, type 'research needed' in first option, otherwise complete all options in order of importance):

    Do your top 3 competitors have websites? If so, please provide their links below, if known (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):

    Do you have examples of some websites that you LIKE (even if not in your industry)? If so, please add the link(s) below (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):

    Do you have examples of some websites that you DON'T LIKE (even if not in your industry)? If so, please add the link(s) below (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):


    Do you know your target audience or demographic? If you don't currently know this, please go through and select what you think is closest to your current client or customer base (if not a new business).

    If unsure, please leave blank (note - the more information you consider, the more targeted and effective your website's or project's potential will be).

    Select the below options to describe anything that applies to your 'typical' or desired client / customer type (select any or all that apply):

    Target Customer/Client Age Range (OPTIONAL, but very helpful - check all that apply):

    Target Customer/Client Income Range (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):

    Target Sex (OPTIONAL, but very helpful - can select both if both apply):

    Target Profession (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):

    Any other information that can describe your target client or customer (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):


    What information does your audience NEED to know from your website OR your copywriting / editing project? (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):

    If you have an existing website, what aspects DO you like about it or want to keep? (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):

    If you have an existing website, what aspects DON'T you like about it or what would you like improved? (OPTIONAL, but very helpful):

    Is there anything in particular you want or must have on your new site (OPTIONAL, check all that apply - please leave blank if project isn't a website):

    If you selected 'other feature/section' checkbox above, please provide details in below box:


    Do you have anything extra you need me to know or that you would like to add so I can better prepare your personalised Proposal/Quotation?

    If so, please add into the box below:

    That's it - you're ready to hit 'Submit Proposal Request' below right!

    I typically will respond within 24-48 hours (during weekdays). If you don't receive a response within that time, it's possible one of our emails may have hit a spam folder out there somewhere so please do email me directly at contact(at) replacing '(at)' with '@'.

    Thank you so much for your request and I look forward to sending your proposal soon! 🙂

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